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Visited farm of Wm. Savage Hamburg, Ia
W. of Riverton (-near W. line of sec.
23 _T_ 68  RxLII
The two specimens of teeth are
Elephas -
Smaller tooth shows 11 1/2 (or nearly 12)
plates in 4 inches.
7 plates in 2 1/2 inches
[[image - oblong molar]]
material is heavy -
+ typical Aftonian     2 1/8 in

[[image - side view of molar]]
[[text superimposed over image]] 
5 1/2 in [[length]]
3 1/2 in [[height denoted with line with arrows]]

[[end page]]

[[start page]]


Larger tooth
5 plates in 1  3/8 in
This is larger, broken &
heavy. Not in good shape
for identification.
Both were found loose in creek.
In deep bed of creek there
is a bed of gravel & what
appears to be heavy dark
silt with sand streaks - 
Above loess & silty stuff.
This deep creek-gully
needs investigation.

Returned to Hamburg and 
took train for Langdon and
then went by the funny little
plug to Rockfort
Put up at Hotel Southern
[[strikethrough]] took [[/strikethrough]] There is much blue loess (thick) with 
iron tubes) shown along road to Sidney.