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[[image-pencil sketch of rock strata]][image captions]]
Loess veneer.
Loveland 4 ft.
Slump stuff
Mostly calcareous, with few pebbles, and small boulders,
Source iron tubes [[& Q.?]]
12 ft Blue Kansan
Chocolate colored Kansan.
Sandy silt (whitish) Aftonian - 2 ft.
6 ft | Oxidized, cross-bedded sand
5 ft| gravel

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The line between the Loveland & Kansan is sharp, and slightly irregular.
The lower line of the Kansan is about horizontal.
At base of bed of Aftonian there is a layer of boulders - not a continuous deposit, but more or less scattered.
Mr. Whitham's house.
He has a few buffalo & deer bones, & a buffalo horn - from. slumpy material - quite modern. Also  heavy hard Aftonian bones. Horse - bones.
Also several horse teeth, etc.

Also examined material in Atchison County Mail office.
Two pieces - 1 a buffalo femur, - not Aftonian
The other is a part of Elephas tooth.