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[[a line runs down the center of this page]]no Kansan is in sight. Near SW. cor. SE, 1/4 sec. 23-81-39, along road which runs along northern slope, well below top of ridge, gravel and boulders indicate Kansan. (Copeland at Manilla is well-digger. A little ridge on sec. 23, on James White's farm, is almost barren. It is yellow or reddish stuff, - Loveland? (See sample) Examined the big cut E. of White's and saw many fossils Will return to this section. X Yellow loess also appears on S. side of SW. 1/4-30-81-38. (See map.) [[end page]] [[start page]] [[a line runs down the center of this page]][[underlined]]Monday, Aug. 18, 1913 [[/underlined]] Wrote up notes. At 7.15 a.m. went to Redfield's grove north of Harlan with Shephin, in his new car. Worked the plants chiefly. Found that stumps of the pignut were favorite habitats of fungi and mosses. Found a bur oak stump over 3 1/2 ft. in diam. & covered with lichens. (See spec.) Collected a few land shells, and on an old rotten log (probably basswood) I found fungi & slime-moulds. The red elm & bur oak are more common on the upland border, & the Am. elm, pignut, hackberry and basswood are quite common. The pignut is very common & scarred by borers. Returned at noon. Rained and