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[[a line runs down the left side of this page]] [[underline]]Cut 27 [[/underline]] 1st expanse S. of section line (true mile line)shows blue loess almost to top, on small slope facing S. -3-6 ft. & iron band 1/2 way up or more,& then indistinct yellow(!) [[underline]] Cut 28 [[/underline]] A small hill [[next]] [[south?]] is very similar. [[underline]] Cut 29 [[/underline]] The next hill is higher - 1350 & its slope shows gray loess - with some yellow above. [[Enlarged parenthesis begins]] On return CR I & P depot = 1255 (Cut 40) [[no underscoring]] (On N. side NE, NE. 27-79-38- a cut shows yellow loess. Faces E. (See notes of 8/24 - Gray loess) [[Enlarged parenthesis ends at foot of "K" here]] Kansan shows along road on N. side NE 1/4 sec. 8-78-38.- on both sides of the deep gulley. Top of hill on N. side NW 1/4 8- [[indicated above]]-78-38 = 1335; river bottoms N. of low ridge N. of SW corner 5-78-38. [[underlined]] Cut 30 [[/underlined]] Cut on slope facing E. near NE. cor. of NE 1/4 NW 1/4 - 8-78-38 shows yellow loess at top. [[end page]] [[start page]] [[a line runs down the right side of this page]] [[underlined]] Aug. 20 - 1913 - Wed. [[/underlined]] Rained in morning. Packed basket of material, worked up notes and plats, am expected to leave for Coon Rapids at 6.34 PM. but a wreck on the C. & W. at Kirkman blocked me. Expected to go to Council Bluff then, but even that was not possible as there was no definite assurance given that I could get down. Went to College Heights at 5 PM [[Town]] Heights 40 ft. higher than front of hotel. [[Down 2 more lines he has written an addition problem adding 29 1/2 to 1 1/2 getting the sum of 31]]
Transcription Notes:
After looking at a map, we decided this was Coon Rapids & Kirkman, IA.