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[[underlined]] August 25, 1913 [[/underlined]] - Mon.
Redfield hill = 1358 - with Fred Pexton
Went north to Redfield's & then went ^[[cut 41]] on slope (S of top) to Redfield's hill a cut shows yellow loess 5-7 ft. cut(a)
^[[Cut 42]] Cut b is on slope facing W. It runs 5-6 ft. & its lower 2 [[strikethrough]] to 3 [[/strikethrough]] ft. is distinctly gray loess, with tubules & fossils (see spec.) and this grades up into yellow loess. The transition here seems to be quite gradual. The yellow loess is heavy, mottled.  On the S. side the transition is more abrupt.
[[underlined]] Cut 43 [[/underlined]]
Cut c at very base shows new rusty hard pan.
Just above this the blue gray is mushy, then ordinary gray