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The ridge to the N. runs about 20 ft along top of bank. It is a long rather low 'rise, a part of ground topography.

Picked up shells under leaves above brickyard.  [[Corlilicopa?]] & [[Mc. avara?]] were most abundant on higher banks among [[Symphrich ventricililis?]], etc.

[[underline]]Cut 2[[/underline]] is an irregular series of exposures over 100 yards inside, with slumps where water seaps out.

At 1305, in old path there is Kansan drift reddish gray, hard, with pebbles.  Just above this path there rises a bank of gray loess, about 6 ft., with numerous 

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nodules & little iron. The Kansan drift seems to be just a small bit on surface, possibly dumped?
Below it in bank is gray stuff like at 1.

I cut into base of bank of loess & found strong oxidized layer, & below it mucky stuff somewhat similar to that in 1

All this is [[undelined]]above[[/underlined]] seapy places.

Towards N. end of sec. 2 there is an exposure more or less slumped, which shows at base 6 or 7 ft. of rusty more or less conglomerated sand & gravel, below which water seeps out all along. This changes