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[[A vertical line runs along the length of the page next to the edge of paper]]
Cut [[underline]] 217 [[/underline]]
The 2nd cut is the longer one.
It measures almost 400 yds. in length, & is made across a long ridge, so that both sides are about the same. The west side is a cleaner cut,
however, and most of the work was done in that side.
[[underline]] at B [[/underline]]
Base = 1336
Top of Kansan - 1351
Top of gray loess - 1365
Top of bank - 1379
Highest part = 1382
Where Kansan is highest 1381

At A -  
Top = 1359
Base - 1336
[[line indicating subtraction]]
23[[overwritten]] 5 [[/overwritten]] ft

Top of Gray loess, highest part
Top of Kansan 1345
At Base 1330

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

[[A vertical line runs along the bottom of the page along the edge of the writing]]

Cut [[underline]] 217 [[/underline]]
2nd cut W. side.

[[image - sketch of stratigraphy of cut 217 showing thickness of layers and lengths along cut]]

[[image captions]]
[[left side above image]]
Total [[strikethrough]] 25 1/2 [[/strikethrough]] A
Barom. = 23
[[line to { in interior of image, denoting layers from top to bottom]]
Kansan a

[[above image]]
Total [[strikethrough]] 40 1/2 ft [[/strikethrough]] (Bar. = 43 [[thickness at B; line to ( within sketch grouping X marks on layers below B]]
B 1381
From this E. is clearest part 

Highest part of Kansan 
[[inside sketch, denoting height of top layer]] 27 ft
[[denoting height of middle layer]] 6ft gray
[[denoting height of bottom layer]] 15 ft

[[following measurements are along base line of sketch]]
60 yds [[left side of image to A]]
70 yds [[A to B]]
20 yds [[B to highest point]]
300 yds [[highest point to right side of image]]
[[beneath whole sketch]]
400 yds

[[on far right on top of sketch]]
Photos 5-6 &
15-16 show part with
markers - from
opposite bank.
[[/image captions]]
At A 
a = Kansan = about [[strikethrough]]7[[/strikethrough]] 6 ft
b = Ferritto clay = about 2 ft shades into drift, -becomes hard below 
c = Chocolate layer = about 2 ft. - shades into b -
d = gray loess = 2  [[strikethrough]] 1/2 [[/strikethrough]]
-{streaked with chocolate sharply set off from
yellow by a chocolate band 2 or 3 in wide,
e = yellow loess. = 1[[overwritten]] 2 [[/overwritten]]1 ft. Full of fossils & with many irregular nodules.
At B - 
a = 15 - red & yellow with blue faces - much lime Shades into b
b = 2 - Prominent, crumbles - shades into c & a, - more the latter.
c = 2 - [[strikethrough]] [[slight?]] [[/strikethrough]] Is interbanded a little with d., but sharp.
d = 10 - quite sharply separated from e by color; iron tubes begin abruptly. Has fossils 
e = 11 with nodules, some fossils,especially below - grades into f!
f = 3 = Top lobular brownish layer & soil.

Transcription Notes:
Second page, rearranged image captions to keep relevant information together. Completed transcribing difficult words. -kbailey Removed transcription of upside down note as previously been asked to transcribe only what is on the main page.