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[[underlined]] Gray   Weeds [[/underlined]]

[[first column]]
Polygonum aviculare
Hordeum jubatum
Polygonum pensylvanicum
Amaranthus blitoides
Plantago major
Ambrosia artemisiifolia
" [[Ditto for: Ambrosia]] trifida
Canada thistle (a lot)
Lactuca serriola

[[/first column]]

[[second column]]
Amaranthus retroflexus
Polygonum convolvulus
[[underlined]] Ross [[/underlined]]
Taraxacum officinale
Red elms
White clover
Echinochloa crus galli
[[/second column]]

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

[[underlined]] Sep.7, 1913. Sunday [[/underlined]] 1267 = CR I & P. depot at Audubon.

At cut 35, just N. of RR. N. of Audubon, there is a rather long hill facing S. It shows drift clearly on lower slope, - small boulders.
At top there is a cut about 9 ft. deep. It shows gray loess with tubes (noticed no fossils or nodules up to within about 3 ft of top, & there the heavy lobular brownish layer tops it.
Of the gray loess there seem to be only about 2 ft & below that [[insertion]] ^ there is [[/insertion]] drift, oxidized above, & with sand streaks.
The drift is a good joint clay, much of it yellow, with blue (light) streaks, belts of interbandings, & it has large pebbles & small boulders. Very calcareous. 

Transcription Notes:
All the species in [[?]] are a rough draft that need rechecking as most I have no idea about. I've used to try and work them out. I look for plants. -@siobhanleachman Could the second line be "Hordeum jubatum" instead of "Hordeum pulalris"? It would have to be an uncrossed t but worse has happened. And the second I think could be Plantago major. I read "[[Candenthisthe?]] (a lot) as Canada thistle (a lot)-- thomasc ==== Worked over plant list and solved some of the ?s, 1st column second line perhaps Heracleum? not convinced genus Hordeum is correct as that seems short compared to Polygonum above and below it, but can't find species to match??? Second page is reviewed and ready tog go.- kbailey ==== Convinced 1st column, second line is Hordeum jubatum. The letter formation fits that much better than Heracleum. I was not able to find a species match that was better than jubatum in appearance. I agree with thomasc on Canada thistle. - @raferrante