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Red-headed woodpecker. Went along the rocks. At the woods we saw two male Redstarts. One gave a sharp note which attracted my attention mosquitoes were very troublesome. Saw two Hairy Woodpeckers. A male went on the underside of a limb. They called to each other. There were a large number of Cedar Waxwings here. They were about the middle of the trees.

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A yellow-throated Vireo gave the harsh note and sang. Saw 3  Robins. They flew up from the ground with a [[underline]]pimp[[/underline]]. They were wild. Coming back we saw a flock of Chicadees [[it changed to in]] in the top of a broken down Hemlock. 6 Ruffed Grouse flew up from about 20 feet away. They were followed by another it looked at us as it flew and one of it's wings [[sent?]] a small hemlock. Saw a Wood Pewee. Went down under