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silent suddenly.  A Song Sparrow that was in the air took hurried refuge in a tree.  I soon saw the cause of it.  A Coopers Hawk flew overe rapidly.  It lit in Hacketts Grove.  Came back up.  Saw two Bluejays hunting on the ground in Mrs. Russels yard.  Heard a golden-crowned Kinglet and followed it up.  The note has a fine penetrating quality that makes the bird seem near.  I found it in Smiths trees.  It was catching gnats.  It gave notes like [[underlined]] teety tse [[/underlined]] and a shorter

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[[underlined]] tse [[/underlined]].  The underparts were yellowish white.  Back olive-brown.  The wings were very pretty.  It frequently sat still and called.  It was quite tame.  I could not see it when it was in the evergreens.  It was so small.  Then I went home.
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After breakfast I went over to that plowed ground.  just as I got there a train scared the birds off.  One flock flew away.  The other lit farther on.  Went up by them.  They had lit on the other side of