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the ground and it picked up an insect.
Saw some Red-winged Blackbirds. They flew from east, northeast to the southwest.
Then I went home.

October 10, Wednesday.
Tonight Percy [[Knaple?]] and I went up on the hill. Saw a flock of geese.  They came down over the hill and passed within 30 rods of us. They were very large and so were Canada Geese. They flew over to Seeley Creek and seemed about to alight but rose and 
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went on to the mill pond. There were 7 or 8 of them. Then we went home. __________

October 13, Saturday.
This morning a crow flew over just above our barn.
Heard some Quail calling. A chicken that was separated from its companions gave a single note that bore much resemblance to thiers.
Shot an adult and an immature male English Sparrows. The young was had nearly all the had nearly all the colors on the back and had a