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small throat-patch but lacked the bright white wing bars, black lores and white underparts.
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Went to Baraboo after breakfast.  Great numbers of Vesper Sparrows were scattered through the weeds at one side.  They would fly up and just before alighting show the white feathers in the tail.  They were a few Juncoes with them.  Saw some Red-winged Blackbirds in a corn field by Rob Dickies.
In some places there were English Sparrows

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in flocks at a distance from any house.
In front of Curtis's there were a number of Bluebirds.  They were wild.  They would perch by the Woodpecker holes in the telephone poles and look in.  In Lyons I saw a flock of Cedar Waxwings in an arbor vitae hedge.  Saw some Bluejays carrying acorns.  There were Myrtle Warblers and White-throated Sparrows wherever there were bushes.  Heard a Chicadee whistle
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Transcription Notes:
Baraboo is a city in Wisconsin.