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long as I could see it. Along the road were a great number of Vesper Sparrows in places. Heard crows caw and some flew over out of shotgun range. 
By the lane that leads to Brilliots hill I saw a Mourning Dove. The first for some time. It flew towards Seeley Creek. 
Then I went home.

October 28, Sunday.
This morning I went down in the fields. Heard a Meadowlark give the harsh note.

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Maine's woods appeared to be deserted. In the farther end I saw flock of about 25 American Goldfinches. They were feeding on sticktights and other seeds and many hunted around on the ground like Song Sparrows. Saw two or three Song Sparrows. It looked like rain and I had to go home. While crossing a cornfield below F. Hacketts I started that flock of Quail. One of them appeared to be hurt. It flew a short distance and then lit in a pool