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after that. Once another, a female, rose with it. It lit across the river under some thorn apple trees. 
Then I went back. In Volls woods I saw a Downy Woodpecker. It was after sunset. 
I have seen no Red-headed Woodpeckers for over a month. I think that they have gone south. Then I went home.

November 15, Thursday. 
Today it was quite cold with 4 inches of snow. A Bluejay 

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came down to the old sunflower and ate seed. 
Put out some suet. A White-breasted Nuthatch came to it. It would get a piece and fly into the wood shed to eat it. It would crawl readily around the stonework of the foundation. Put some food for the Juncos also. They came and also some English sparrows. The Juncoes were rather afraid of the sparrows. The males would chase each other like Vesper Sparrows.