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cold with a north wind.
While crossing the Railroad bridge we saw a Crow flying over head. 
 Afterwards we saw the same one presumably flying before the wind. 
Saw no Grosbeaks. Two White-breasted Nuthatches came down to where we were building a fire.
Saw a number of Hairy Woodpeckers. On our way home we saw a Junco lying by the track. It had evidently flown into

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a passing train. It was a female. The tips of a few of the back feathers were tipped with brown and its colors were not as clearly defined as they are in the male.


Novemeber 25, Sunday.

This morning I went down in the fields. They were deserted apparently. I thought I was going to see nothing but in the middle of Maine's woods were some Tree Sparrows. They were rather shy. Heard a Bluejay.