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by they flew away but immediately returned. There were about 20 of them many were males Some were just turning yellow. Their bills made a loud noise as they ate They flew into a Norway spruce and perched and hop around in it. When one went to light where another was sitting it would hop on. It was cold work sitting on a post in the wind. Two males caught each other by the head and pulled for all they were worth screaming loudly. The females drove the 
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males away with open bills. They gave harsh rattling calls if another came too close and uttered the loud clear note generally while flying. They kept the feathers on crown partly raised. Saw the Golden-crowned Kinglet. Then I went home. 

January 4, Friday. 
This morning I went over on the island. Heard a few notes and saw a flock of about 50 Evening Grosbeaks. The were rather wild. They went on the