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bill. They seem to be thinking of mating and are quarrelsome. One flew into the maple and whistled [[underlined, vowels marked long]] fu bur,[[/underlined]] or [[underlined, e marked long, u marked short]]he hur [[/underlined]] for some time sitting perfectly still. I answered him and he hopped around nervously giving the common notes.
There were a number of Juncoes around and I heard a Prairie Horned Lark. 
February 2, Saturday. 
This morning all of 
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the J.R.S. except Burr Dickie went over to the Hemlock Bluffs. Heard several Prairie Horned Larks. Found another mouse in the same old place. It had been there over night. The head was eaten off. Saw the Northern Shrike fly over. It was shaped like a Bluejay. It was the first one I had seen. Its flight was tilty. I noticed a predominance of gray and black in its plumage. It light in a piece of woods a long way off. 
Heard several Bluejays and a crow. The day was sunny; sharp in the