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morning but warm at noon. Several Chicadees came around after dinner. They were fearless going into the cave and coming quite close. One ate a little baked Potato. They seemed to be attracted by the sound of Chopping. Several Nuthatches and a Downy woodpecker came but were wilder. 
The crows called gutturally from over the hill and Bluejays slyly hopped in and out of Pines. 
Found where the Puffed Grouse had been roosting in the thick Hemlock and one had used a small 
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cavity under a rock. About 4 oclock we went home. 

February 3, Sunday 
This morning it was cloudy with an east wind. Went down in the fields in the forenoon. Hunted around for Horned Larks but saw none. I hear them calling as they fly over every sunny day now. Looked around Hacketts Barn but saw none Along the river. I saw numerous Quail tracks. Did not notice any Evening grosbeak signs. They have disappeared