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Horned Larks all over.

March 15, Friday. 
This morning when I was sweeping the walk two Chicadees flew by me. One was chasing the other. They were male and female. The male lit above the other and fluttering his wings gave a note like [[underlined]] 'tse, 'tse, 'tse, se 'tler 'tslup [[/underlined]]. She flew at him and drove him away. They were courting. 

March 16, Saturday. 
This morning Art Rudy and I went down 

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the track hunting for a Great Horned Owl's nest. Prairie Horned Larks were everywhere on the track, on the road and in the fields. The males were very jealous. When one approached too near another it would fly at it and follow it through the air. Saw a number of Juncoes in the wood yards. They were singing for the first time this winter. When down nearly to the railroad bridge a Bluejay gave the alarm note in the