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March 22, Friday 
This morning I got up up 6:20. There was not a cloud in sight. Went down in the fields. The trees were covered with ice and were very pretty. The river was way up. I could not get across the ditch at the usual place by the river because it was so high. 
Heard a Prairie Horned Lark and some Crows. In Maine's woods I scared up a flock of 8 American Goldfinches. I was in the farther 

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side of the woods when I heard a Song Sparrow sing. I listened and it sang twice more. I tried to get a look at it but could not. It [[underlined]] [[?chirped]] [[/underlined]] at me once. One of the Goldfinches flew down and called the others down. Heard a number of Robins. 
Then I went home. 
This evening a Robin lit in Pettey's box elder. It gave the sharp danger call constantly. Finally it flew off laughing 