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Across Seeley Creek Bluebirds were thick. Heard and saw 3 Red-headed Woodpeckers. As we approached the Hemlocks a Hawk screamed several times from beyond the cave. Jim and I went over to see it. As we approached it flew away. We remained still and soon it came back with another one. They circled over us and I saw that they were male and female Marsh Hawks. The Black and white markings were handsome on the wings. The female had brown instead of 

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Black. They screamed [[underlined]] ke-e-e yer-rr, Here-e yow [[/underlined]]. Some crows followed one around. They circled around 50 feet up to see what we were. Jim and I went over on the point and climbed a tree to wait for them to come back. They did not come. Close by I noticed a large nest. I looked at it closely and saw that it was being minded with pine-twigs. It may belong to some Crow. 
Heard a loud rattling. [[underlined]] Kwarrruck [[/underlined]] much like a Red-head. It came from a Red-bellied Woodpecker.