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This afternoon I went over across the river. The water was 3 feet higher than yesterday. It was foggy and threatened to rain. 
Song Sparrows were very thick. It began to rain. Saw one of the Sparrow Hawks sitting near its nest all humped up. It gave low notes as if complaining of the wet. Heard a Killdeer. In Lyons Woods I saw two Red-bellied Woodpeckers. Heard a Hairy Woodpecker give a whick-ah note. It 

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was louder than a Flicker's. 
There was a flock of about 100 Juncoes and 20 Bluebirds on the slope to the lower peninsula. The Juncoes sang all the time. The Juncoes fought quite a little among themselves. They were mostly males. It was interesting to note the difference in tone. They sang while looking for food. It was hard to find one that looked as though it was singing. It began to rain and I took shelter