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[[letterhead]] Telegrams-"GRAND."
[[image:  a picture of the hotel with a caption" Grand Oriental Hotel"]]

The Grand Oriental Hotel
Columbo, Ceylon. [[/letterhead]]

Feby 15th 1907

Dear Colonel Hecker,

I returned from my trip to the "buried cities" of the island last night and was pleased to find your full letter of January 9th awaiting me. 

It is gratifying indeed to have such good reports of last years business at the State Bank and I thank you for the particulars. It would also seem to me that the Peoples must be in excellent condition so I am now more than ever, convinced that the united bank is starting with unusually clean assets and with splendid 

Transcription Notes:
"OMIT" is written diagonally across the entire length of this page with a line above and below