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No estimates are of course as yet available as to the level of research grant and contract moneys to be expected in FY 1974, nor for private fund income from gifts, investments and miscellaneous sources; the total funding for operation purposes, however, should be well above the $70,300,000 now estimated for FY 1973.

[[underlined]]For Construction[[/underlined]] -- Office of Management and Budget has also approved our requesting from congress FY 1974 construction appropriations totaling $5,070,000, plus the remaining $27,000,000 for the new Air and Space Museum for which full contract authority was given with our 1973 appropriation. The total includes $3,850,000 for the Zoo ($3,000,000 for the new Lion and Tiger Exhibit, plus for repairs and for planning of parking facilities) and an additional $1,220,000 for various projects of which the principal ones are improvements at our Mt. Hopkins Observatory ($385,000), improvements to Silver Hill storage area ($250,000) and planning for the History and Technology library addition ($100,000).

[[underlined]]Private Trust Funds[[/underlined]]

The Operating Statement for Private Funds shows that following a small $61,000 surplus for our unrestricted funds in FY 1972, we now project further improvement in current in current FY 1973 to a surplus in the area of $225,000. This is somewhat higher than the originally budgeted surplus of $200,000 which reflected expectations of better results for the Magazine, Museum Shops and Product Development royalties. Results