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For the present at least, he feels that two meetings a year will probably suffice -- one in the autumn principally to discuss budget matters, and one in the spring principally to consider nominations to fill vacancies on the Board and on its committees.  Since the bylaws require prior notification of proposed amendments, the Chairman proposed that Article V be amended to provide that there shall be two regular meetings of the Board of Trustees each year, that the meetings may be held in Washington, D. C., or elsewhere, and that special meetings may be called when necessary.  This proposed amendment will be formally considered at the May meeting of the Board of Trustees. (Amendment attached)

The Chairman further proposed the appointment of a standing Nominating Committee to put before the Board recommendations of persons to fill vacancies on the Board and its committees.  The establishment of such a Nominating Committee was approved, and the Chairman appointed as its members: the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution as chairman, and Miss Houghton and Mr. Schreiber.

The Chairman then called upon Mr. Hirshhorn for a statement of his views about the museum and its future.

Mr. Hirshhorn thanked the Board for inviting him to attend the meeting and made the following statement:

[[underlined]] Statement of Mr. Hirshhorn
Board of Trustees Meeting, November 16, 1972 [[/underlined]]

I have spent more than 40 years in the art world, as a collector of paintings and sculpture.  Those years have been exciting and have given