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Meeting of November 26-27, 1973

[[underline]]GIFTS [[/underline]]

Ethel Barrymore, bronze bas-relief, by Mabel Conkling, gift of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Green
Pearl S. Buck, oil on canvas, by Vita Petrosky Salomon, gift of the Pearl S. Buck Foundation
Joseph G. Cannon, oil on canvas, by Harriet Anderson Stubbs Murphy, gift of Harriet M. Ross
Frederick Douglass, marble head, by Charles Wells, gift of anonymous donor
Max Eastman, oil on canvas, by Kurt Delbanco, gift of the artist
F. Scott Fitzgerald, sanguine conte crayon on paper, by Harrison Fisher, gift of Mrs. Scottie Smith
Zelda Fitzgerald, sanguine conte crayon on paper, by Harrison Fisher, gift of Mrs. Scottie Smith
Theresa Helburn, oil on canvas, by Marion H. Beckett, gift of Larry Aldrich
Charles F. Kettering, oil on canvas, by unidentified artist, gift of Mrs. Warren Kampf
Andrew Mellon, oil on canvas, by Sir Oswald H. J. Birley, gift of Paul Mellon
John Quinn, oil on canvas, by George Luks, gift of Thomas F. Conroy, M.D.
Carl Sandburg, oil on canvas, by William A. Smith, gift of William A. Bowland, Jr.

[[underline]]PURCHASES [[/underline]]

E.E Cummings, oil on canvas, self-portrait
Theodore Dreiser, oil on canvas, by Henry Varnum Poor
Martha Graham, oil on canvas, by Paul Meltsner
Tom Molineaux, hand-colored print, published by Dighton, Spring Gardens
Theodore Roosevelt, pencil on paper, by Charles Dana Gibson
Augustus Saint-Gaudens and Model, etching, by Anders Zorn
Augustus Saint-Gaudens, etching, by Anders Zorn
Carl Sandburg, oil on canvas, by Emerson Burkhart
George Santayana, oil on canvas, by Harry Wood
Scofield Thayer, oil on artist's board, E. E. Cummings