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Report for the Month ending September, 30, 1889.
Number of specimens entered in Museum Catalogue, 478; 2 entries in Loan Book.

Specification of Additions.
^[[3]] Accession 22183---T. G. Toombes, La Grange, Fayette Co., Tenn.---A spear-point from La Grange.

^[[4]] Acc. 22184---N. Huddleston, Crainsville, Hardeman Co., Tenn.---Fragments of pottery, a pierced tablet, fossil shells and bones, flint chips, mammal teeth and a fragment of an encrinite from "Old Indian Camp" Huddleston's field, Hatchie River bottom, 8 miles E. of Bolivar, Tenn. 24 specimens. 

^[[5]] Acc. 22194---Adolph Duschak, Buffalo, N.Y.---Two plaster casts of human skulls. The originals were found on Whites Id., Niagara R. Erie Co. N.Y.