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during his lifetime to divers scientific pursuits. He is now dead. He told me in the last year of his life that he turned with greater satisfaction and interest to Prehistoric Archaeology.  He had been for many years a valued contributor to the Smithsonian Institution and National Museum.  He has always put his collections at our disposal for examination, and when any special objects were desired, has delivered over his entire collection thereof. At his death he bequeather [["d" written over "r"]] the remnant consisting of many thousand objects, which has [[strikethrough]] now [[/strikethrough]] been [[strikethrough]] boxed and [[/strikethrough]] forwarded to the [[strikethrough]] Smithsonian Ins [[/strikethrough]] ^[[National Museum.]] 

The collection of Mr. N. S. Way which was made from Mount Vernon on the [[strikethrough]] opposite [[/strikethrough]] side of the Potomac river opposite Mr. Bryan's is of the [[dance?]] order & for comparison with his & [[strikethrough]] [[sho?]] [[/strikethrough]] study of the differences between the two sides of the river derives an added value to the museum.

Transcription Notes:
'divers' in first line should be 'diverse'?