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Acc. 24318---Dr. Hilborn Cresson, Philadelphia, Pa.---Collection from a rock shelter at [[strikethrough]] Naaman's Creek [[/strikethrough]] Claymont, Delaware, containing rude chipped implements quartzite and argillite (paleolithic) ? arrow and spear-heads, scrapers, knives, etc., pieces of bone and charred wood, and fragments of pottery; 372 specimens.

For description of rock shelter see: Proc. of the Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. Vol. XXIV, p. 141, [[underlined]] et seq [[/underlined]].

Also small rude chipped implements and flakes principally of quartzite and agrillite, charred wood and fragments of pottery found while digging a well on Christiana Creek, Del., in the yaer 1848. The peat layer in which they were found was 7 feet thick. They lay 4 8 from the top of the peat which was covered by 3 feet of yellow brick clay." 17 specs. In addition 4 rude chipped implements of quartz and quartzite (paleolithic type), and 15 fragments of human bones from the surface o