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And also that [[strikethrough]] these [[/strikethrough]] the implements [[strikethrough]] from these two states [[/strikethrough]] are materially different in style and mode of construction, workmanship. ^[[from those in other states.]]  They also give color to the claim, easily made and strongly disputed heretofore, that the Indians of that time knew the art of melting, moulding and casting.

Special researches have been made upon the jade question as it is presented by my prehistoric work.  This is one of the most interesting question arising in this science.  It has been much discussed in Europe, Asia and America, and considerable progress has been made in the acquirement of knowledge concerning it.  But there still exists among the people, ever those well informed, much misunderstanding and ignorance upon this question.  [[strikethrough]] I do not know if I can aid in the general enlightenment but I propose to make the endeavour. [[/strikethrough]]