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communication with Mr. Charnay and  the latter informs him that the casts from which these sculptures were taken have been so far destroyed [[strikethrough]]as [[/strikethrough]] that can never be used again; that there are no more, or, at least, but one more set of these casts of sculptures obtainable and that ^[[if]] any of these in our possession ^[[should be]] now broken or destroyed ^[[most of them]] can never be replaced. Consequently, their value is greatly enhanced. I feel it incumbent [[strikethrough]] on me[[/strikethrough]] to recommend that the best means be employed by which these valuable specimens be preserved. As their value increase in time in accordance with our knowledge of their importance and rarity and difficulty of replacing, so we find that they not only need to best care for their safety and preservation, but that they should be arranged as to make a satisfactory display to the public and at the same time be easily studied by those who may desire to investigate them. They will come more and more into demand as time progresses. Their rarity and value will become better and better recognized