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established by that Office in February of this year. At target, the Smithsonian is requesting operating funds of $72,549,000, an increase of $4,760,000 over FY 75 for the continued phased correction of identified support service deficiencies plus a lesser amount for high priority research programs. In addition we are asking for (1) another $4,387,000 for Bicentennial preparations with emphasis on NASM exhibits and supportive buildings maintenance and protection forces (2) $2,620,000 more for uncontrollable needs such as pay and utility rate increases and (3) a final increment of $2,970,000 (for a grand total of $82,526,000) for a further strengthening of regular program and support operations.

The total request for the Science Information Exchange (treated separately) is $1,825,000 at target plus another $30,000 above target. Within the total OMB target amount, no increase was proposed for the Special Foreign Currency Program and its FY 76 level would remain at $2,000,000. An increment of $1,500,000 was proposed over target for a total of $3,500,000.

[[underline]]For Construction[[/underline]]: --For FY 75, the Smithsonian has been appropriated $1,490,000 as requested for essentially routine maintenance and improvement projects within the Restoration and Renovation of Buildings account, and $7,000,000 (of $10,000,000 sought) for continued NASM construction contract authority liquidation. Zoo construction and repair funding of $9,420,000 (of $10,000,000 requested) will permit significant progress to be made on implementing the approved Master Plan with work on the general services and parking facility, elephant house yards and bird house plaza, and education center.

The [[underline]] FY 76 [[/underline]] construction request to OMB also has been presented at various levels. At the target level, $1,365,000 has been requested for a minimal program of building and facility repairs, maintenance and improvements and