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(Feb. '92) 5.

Acc. 25350---A.S.LOgan, #2204 Kansas Avenue, Kansas City, Missouri---A map or sketch of a mound on the Missouri River, near the mouth of the Osage River, Cole County, Missouri; Also 144 chips and worked flakes of lime-stone, and a carved stone pipe, from vault No. 5, Station No. 6, indicated on map; 146 specimens.

Acc. 25360---Edward Golson, South Saginaw, Michigan---Six chipped stone discs, a flint knife, two rude chipped implements (paleolithic type) and a small flint scraper, found in the 9th Ward, Battels Addition, City of Saginaw, Michigan; 9 specimens.

Acc. 25363---Frank Burns, U. S. Geol/ogical Survey, Washington, D.C.---An iron tomahawk found in Blount County, Alabama.

Acc. 25288---Henry G. Bryant, #1227 North Broad Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania---A human thigh bone and five animal bones from a "battle field" on Eskimo Island, Hamilton Inlet,