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(Feb. '92) 6.

Labrador; 6 specimens.

Acc. 25639---Dr. A.L.Benedict, #86 West Huron Stree , Buffalo, New York---Collection of archaeological specimens from the vicinity of Buffalo, New York, consisting of small rude chipped implements, leaf-shaped implements (thin), scrapers, arrow-heads, stone pestles, notched sinkers and fragments of pottery; Also arrow-heads from the site of an Indian Earthwork near Oakfield, Genessee County, and Rochester and Pen Yan, New York. In addition, flint knives and arrow-heads from Fort Erie, Point Abino and Windmill Point, Canada.	310 specimens.

During this month we received and answered forty (40) letters, eight (8) reports were received and made to headquarters and other departments, and five hundred and seventy-three (573) pages of typewriting done.

Transcription Notes:
marginalia -- last 4 lines of final paragraph have handwritten long dashes -I the reviewer think this is because there were ment to not be indented.