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of several prehistoric skulls from Europe - the Neanderthal, Olmo, Laugerie Basse, and Engis.

Implements similar in form, style and manufacture to those of the Paleolithic Age of European countries were shown as coming from the United States, which objects, if found in Europe, would be undoubtedly accepted as paleolithic. The investigations in this respect in the United States of America have not been so profound as in Europe, and anthropologists and archaeologists are not unanimous concerning the conclusions to be drawn therefrom. There were shown a fossil human thorax [[strikethrough]]and human skull, the two ^[[latter]] turned to limonite[[/strikethrough]] ^[[and a]] fossil human skull and thigh-bone ^[[, the two latter]] changed to limonite, all from [[strikethrough]]Osprey, Manatee County[[/strikethrough]] Florida, [[strikethrough]]and[[/strikethrough]] found by Judge John G. Webb; a fossil pyrula shell bearing the prehistoric engraving of a mammoth, the property of Mrs. Bessie D. Spencer; implements from the Auriferous gravels under Table Mountain, California; others from the Walker River Canon in the extinct Quarternary Lake