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[[strikethrough]]La Hontan[[/strikethrough]] ^[[Lahontan]], Utah; still others from Fossil Lake[[strikethrough]]s[[/strikethrough]], Oregon. These were followed by prehistoric objects [[strikethrough]]belonging to[[/strikethrough]] ^[[of]] the Neolithic or Polished Stone Age, those from Europe having precedence. England, France, Spain, Italy, Switzerland, Germany, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Russia, and the Island of Crede, Japan [[strikethrough]],[[/strikethrough]] ^[[and]] Cambodia, were all more or less represented ^[[.]] [[strikethrough]] by drilled axes, polished stone axes, hatchets ,most of them polished, some only chipped and ready for polishing.[[/strikethrough]] The implements from these countries were [[strikethrough]]principally[[/strikethrough]] ^[[largely]] the same as those from the United States. In the display made from the United States, every state and territory was represented by [[strikethrough]]the usual and ^[[,]] in many cases, the rare implements[[/strikethrough]] ^[[objects]] belonging to prehistoric man - polished stone axes; hatchets; grooved axes; drilled axes; al^[[l]] arranged in series according to form ^[[,]] style and size; mauls, adzes, gouges, some from the West Indies being of shell; extensive series of caches of leaf-shaped and other implements were also shown, principally from Pennsylvania and Ohio, though some were