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by the owner [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] ^[[or]] sender. This entails much correspondence and, finally, when all is completed, the object is to be repacked and returned to its owner. 

The classification employed in this Department is in two forms: (1) a synoptical arrangement according to the Epochs of Prehistoric Man, assembling a series of the objects supposed to have been employed by Prehistoric Man during a given epoch of civilization; then these epochs are themselves arranged in series, the earliest first, and so continuing down to Historic Times. The European collection, which belongs principally to the Curator, is thus arranged. The second arrangement is geographical, and it is applied principally to the Americas. Mexico, Central and South America and the various sub-divisions of States or Nations within this territory are each displayed together; so also the objects from the various States of the United States. There are, however, some objects of which the names and purposes are unknown or at least extremely doubtful, such as