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we [[strikethrough]]now[[/strikethrough]] have at our disposal for that purpose.   This space is now ready, and [[underline]]we[[/underline]] are ready for the receipt of about 450 more specimens which are understood to be in the alcove- or storage-shelves in their original hall in the Museum.

I have made progress toward the decoration of the walls of my hall.   There has been already placed a large picture, 18 feet high, 26 feet long, on the wall at the west end.   Opposite this, on the east end, is a map of the United States utilized from a former weather map.   On the south wall, west of the door, is the linguistic map, 16 feet high, 12 feet wide.   On either side of the door, and pendant to it, will be a map of the same size showing the distribution of Mounds in the United States.   In the spaces left on the walls, I have suspended 106 pictures, in swing-frames 2-1/2 feet high and 4 feet wide, more or less descriptive of archaeology.   I have progressed so far as to obtain the promise of having the walls of the hall cleaned and colored next year.   The 106 pictures on the walls are to be lifted off and taken down when the walls are to be cleaned and colored.