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Accession 2781. T. B. Steuart, Lockhaven, Pa.

[[3 column table]]

[[underline]]No. | Name of Object. | Material.[[/underline]]
32 | Pendant or ornament. | Steatite,
34 | Perforated disc ornament | Mica schist,
39 | Piece of brass casting - modern, | 
67 | Small chipped implement, Paleolithic type - | Jasper,
121 | Broken perforator | Porphyritic felsite,
201 | Gouge | Trap rock,
221 | Concretion | Clay,
250 | Leaf-shaped implement | Argillite
316 | Crinoid stalk segmenti, from the Clinton (=?Niagara) formation around Dayton, Ohio. | 
363 | Cutting implement | Jasper,
452 | Natural pebble | Quartzite,
519 | Unfinished ceremonial object | Banded slate,
537 | Broken arrow-head or drill, | Horn-stone
1152 | Polished hatchet or chisel rechipped [[^for secondary use]] | Argillaceous shale,
1161 | Fragment of drilled ceremonial Obj. | Pale green slate,
1165 | Leaf-shaped implement (Cache?) | Porphyritic felsite,
1306 | Bone point, for harpoon spear-head. | 
1425 | Same as No. 1152. | 
1492 | Pendant or sinker | Slate,
1509 | Large scraper | Jasper,
1516 | Thin leaf-shaped implement | " [[ditto for Jasper]]
1619 | Scraper with stem | Porphyritic felsite,
1744 | Cutting-tool - stone | " " [[ditto for Porphyritic felsite]]
1746 | Broken arrow-head | " " [[ditto for Porphyritic felsite]]
1747 | Broken leaf-shaped implement | Chalcedony
1766 | Leaf-shaped implement | Porphyritic felsite,
1825 | Rude arrow-head | Chalcedony,
1852 | Scraper with stem | porphyritic felsite,
1879 | Shell pendant, | 
1822 | Leaf-shaped implement | Chalcedony,
1904 | Broken perforator, | Porphyritic felsite,
1908 | Broken ceremonial object | Pale green slate,
1970 | Arrow-head | Chalcedony,
1981 | Perforator | Flint,
1982 | " [[ditto for Perforator]] | " [[ditto for Flint]]
2000 | Copper implement, unknown use, | 
2372 | Copper dress ornament, | 
2592 | Grinding or polishing stone | Fine-grained sandstone
2595 | Chipped gouge or scraper | Flint,
2598 | Unfinished boat-shaped object, | 
2600 | Notched axe - chipped and polished | Shale.

Cannot tell material of No. 2598 without mutilating specimen.

[[/3 column table]]