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[[underline]]Accession 2917. T. B. Steuart, Lockhaven, Pa.[[/underline]]

[[5 column table]]

[[underline]]No. | Name of Object | Locality | Material.[[/underline]] | 
2869 | Drilled tablet, | Pennsylvania, | Talc, | 1
3104 | " " "[[ditto for Drilled tablet]] | Dunstown, Pa. | Striped slate, | 1
1907 | " " "[[ditto for Drilled tablet]] | Clinton Co., Pa. | Black slate, | 1
1159 | " " "[[ditto for Drilled tablet]] |  | Mica schist, | 1
173 | " " "[[ditto for Drilled tablet]] | Pine Creek Tp., Pa. | Black slate, | 1
3131 | Bird-shaped object, | Pennsylvania, | Striped slate, | 1
1222 | Banner-stone, |  | Gabbro-diorite, | 1
1624 | Small grooved axe, |  | Chert (?) | 1
---- | Small hatchet, |  | Hematite, | 1
2645 | Spear-head, | Liberty, Pa. | Rhyolite, | 1
3114 | Pipe, | Clinton Co.,Pa. | Serpentine, | 1
3191 | " [[ditto for Pipe]] |  | Pottery, | 1
1915 | " " [[ditto for Pipe]] | Great Island | " [[ditto for Pottery], | 1 
3132 | Stone tube, |  | Sandstone, | 1
3130 | Stone bead, |  | Steatite, | 1 
1426 | Small stone discs - perforated, |  | 3
3102 | Small chipped flint (scrapers?) |  | 1
1826 | Bone perforator, | Great Island. | | 1 
3192 | Carved bone object, (human head) ornament (?) |  | 1
3190 | Copper ornament. |  |  |[[underline]] 1 [[/underline]]
 |  |  |  | 22

[[/5 column table]]