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6. What investigations (a) by members of the Museum staff, and (b) under other auspices, have resulted in enriching the collections under your care?

(a) The Curator was at Nashville engaged in work upon the Tennessee Centennial Exposition and, profiting thereby, spent three days ^[[-investigation]] [[strikethrough]]investigating[[/strikethrough]] among the stone graves which are to be found in such abundance in that locality. He procured one of the graves in its entirety, with its stone coffin, its pottery floor, and all its contents, and brought it with him to the Museum. It is now being installed in its original condition, and will be on display in his department.

(b) Dr. Roland Steiner has continued his investigations into the Kiokee village-site in Columbia County, Ga., and has sent the objects found to the Museum in thirteen accessions. 

John C. Abel, Lancaster, Pa., has continued his investigations on the Conestoga Hills in his neighborhood, by which the Museum had profited to the number of 201 objects sent in seven accessions. 

Prof. J.^[["(?)" written in pencil around the preceding "J."]] K. Gilbert and F. H. Newell, of the Geological Survey, collected archaeological specimens, 240 in number, during a reconnaissance into the Plains regions of the Arkansas river in eastern Colorado, which were sent to the Museum through the Bureau of Ethnology.