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seals for copy. Casts of large Assyrian slabs ^[[& other objects]] were also procured from originals at the Episcopal Theological Seminary at Alexandria Va. From the Berlin Museum an interesting set of ^[[& cast of]] Assyrian bas-reliefs and sculptures were secured and from the Louvre two casts of the Ancient Babylonian king Judea who reigned about 3800 B.C. Through the good offices of the Hon. Truxton Beale, [[strikethrough]]then[[/strikethrough]] ^[[sometime]] U. S. Minister at Teheren two paper ^[[moulds]] squeezes were received of a Persian Cuneiform inscription and a slab both from Persepolis ^[[the ancient capital of Persia.]]. These were the first squeezes ever taken at Persepolis; plaster casts were successfully made from them by the Museum modellers.

Transcription Notes:
"Teheren" is probably Tehran, Iran, since the Hon. Truxton Beale's location is Persepolis on another page (