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arrange for its exhibition to the public.

In pursuance with this determination the chief taxidermist was directed to accompany Fish Commission Car No. 1. Mr. J. Frank Ellis, Messenger, on its autumn trip to the Pacific coast, for the purpose of collecting and bringing back as many specimens of mammals as could be secured by gift, or purchased at nominal prices. This trip occupied a month, from October 8th. to November 9th., during which Car No. 1, visited St. Paul, Minn; Fargo and Manden, Dakota; Helena, Montana; Tacoma, Washington Territory; Portland, Oregon; Salt Lake City, Utah, and Cheyenne, Wyoming.  At all of those points living specimens were acquired both by gift and purchase, until the total number of acquisitions amounted to seventeen.  The following were the objects, which formed the nucleus of the present collection of living animals: