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Among the specimens purchased the most interesting were a puma from Ft. Keogh, and a "silver-tip" grizzly bear cub from Billings, Montana; a fine black bear from South Carolina, received from Dr. G. E. Manigault in exchange, and the deer and spotted lynxes mentioned in the list of specimens which were procured on the trip to the Pacific coast.  during the month of June a beginning was made toward the formation of a collection of living reptiles, but since nothing worthy of mention was accomplished until after June 30, the record of the work done properly belongs to the next report.

Among the small and more common species of mammals and birds, there have been several deaths, but the only loss of any importance during the eight months was that of the two Spotted lynxes, ([[underlined]] Lynx maculatus [[/underlined]], obtained in Salt Lake City.  During the early part of the winter, before the heating apparatus was in satisfactory order, the female of the pair of the winter, before the heating apparatus was in satisfactory order, the female of the pair died of pneumonia; and the male succumbed a few days later to uraemic poisoning. Owing to the flimsy nature of some of our temporary cages,