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in the size and importance of the collection overwhelmed him with more imperative duties, and it was found impossible to carry out that plan at present.  During the last four months of the fiscal year, only four specimens were purchased, and it required diligent exertions to provide proper accommodations for the gifts that came in from day to day.  Notwithstanding the disadvantages the department labors under by reason of the temporary nature of nearly all of its appointments, the crowded condition of the building, and the small size of most of the cages, the healthy condition of the animals and the general cleanliness of the establishment attest the energy and vigilance of the keepers, Messrs. Wood and Weeden.

As a measure of economy in the matter of feed, several tons of fine clover hay have been saved from the haying operations conducted on the Smithsonian grounds by the Department of Public Buildings and Grounds, and stacked near the carp ponds, for future use in feeding our ruminants.  The saving thus effected will not fall far short of $150.  During