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Exhibit at Cincinnati Exposition.

In order to call the attention of the public to the fact that several important species of North American mammals have already been exterminated by man, and many others are rapidly going the same way, the Curator prepared during the month of June a special exhibit to illustrate the extermination of American quadrupeds. This exhibit was composed of the following features:-

A series of mounted specimens of such mammals as already have been exterminated, and others that are rapidly approaching extinction. The species represented were as follows;- American bison, West Indian seal, California elephant seal, walrus, moose, elk, mountain goat, mountain sheep, antelope and beaver.

A series of paintings and photographic pictures of large size, illustrating the methods by which the American bison has been exterminated.

A series of specimens and a large oil painting showing what remains to-day of the bison,- skeletons bleaching on the western prairies.