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The following definite standing offers were made to the persons named:-

To Geo T. Pavitt. Fargo. Dak. $50. for the preserved skins. (fit for mounting) of an entire family of. Grey Wolves, male. female. & litter of young.

To the same, $50. for a young moose. alive. in good health.

To O.V. Davis. Mandan. Dak. $50. for a pair of antelope. [[male symbol]] & [[female symbol]]  alive & in good health.  Also, $50 for a pair [[male symbol]] & [[female symbol]] of panther cubs. any size. alive.  This offer was made to others as well.

To J. M. Hagar. Mountain Home. Idaho. $30 for a [[female symbol]] "Silver Tip" Grizzly and 2 cubs. mountable skins.

Various persons were authorized to receive and forward to us at our expense any gifts of live animals that might be offered.  In case great bargains are offered in rare live animals, we are to be communicated with by telegraph, at our expense.