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formation of a collection of living reptiles,but since nothing worthy of mention was accomplished until after June 30, the record of the work done properly belongs to the next report.

Among the small and more common species of mammals and birds,there have been several deaths,but the only loss of any importance during the eight months was that of the two ^[[l.c.]]Spotted lynxes,([[underline]]Lynx maculatus]]/underline]]). During the early part of the winter,before the heating apparatus was in satisfactory order,the female of the pair died of pneumonia; and the male succumbed a few days later to uraemic poisoning. Owing to the flimsy nature of some of our temporary cages,several opossums and two woodchucks escaped,and,still more to be regretted,six quails and a pair of gambel's partridges were killed in one night by rats,with which the menagerie building is still completely infested,in spite of the great numbers that have been caught,killed and fed to the birds of prey.

[[double-underline]]Routine Work[[/double-underline]].

The daily care which the animals in the collection demanded in proper feeding and thorough cleaning,has re-

Transcription Notes:
Transcribed the second paragraph as "two ^[[l.c.]]Spotted lynxes" -- but this is actually a typography editing mark, directing the typist to make a lowercase "s" for "spotted". Not sure how the curators want this to be marked, so transcribed as written but a curator may want to fix the final copy based on the editor's mark?