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lost by death. Our gray wolf ([[underline]]C. lupus griseo-albus[[/underline]]) died of a combination of diseases brought on by confinement, which emphasizes our need for some larger cages. 

The U. S. Fish Commissioner having determined to deposit in our collection the elephant tortoises collected in the Galapagos Islands by the [[underline]]Albatross[[/underline]], a room 14 X 30 feet was built as an addition to the animal house to receive these specimens, and other tropical animals which require a more even temperature than it is possible to maintain in the main building at night during cold weather. This room has been provided with a base-burning coal stove, and with its aid the temperature can be properly regulated. 

The tortoises have not been formally received from the custody of Mr Worth, for the reason that we are not yet ready to accommodate them. 

The usual monthly list of accessions is enclosed.

Respectfully submitted

[[signature]] W.T.Hornaday [[/signature]]

Curator of Living Animals.