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[[strikethrough]]9 8[[/strikethrough]] (8)


Mrs H. D. Cooke, Jr; 1 [[strikethrough]]Cebus a[[/strikethrough]] White-fronted Cebus, ([[underline]]Cebus albifrons[[/underline]]), from Dr S.P. Murray;- 1 [[underline]]Cebus hypoleucus[[/underline]] from Mr Hubbard T. Smith; and another [[underline]]Cebus[[/underline]], from Uruguay, the gift of Senator J.T. Morgan.

Four [[strikethrough]]we[[/strikethrough]] beautiful Angora Goats were received from [[strikethrough]]the[[/strikethrough]] Misses Grace and Maud Parsons, Natural Bridge, Va, two of which have given birth to young.

A young Prong-horned Antelope, from Texas, was received from Senator Leland Stanford, but [[strikethrough]]it never[[/strikethrough]] ^[[before it had]] fully recovered from the effects of its long journey it became alarmed at the presence of a stray dog close to the ^[[yard]] fence, and in springing about the yard its head received an injury, from the effects of which it died a few days later, in spite of the best medical care.

Two young Red Foxes were received from Mr R.B.L. ^[[R.B.L.]] Fleming, The Plains, Va.  A large swan ([[underline]]Cygnus columbianus[[/underline]]), was presented by Masters Frank and Charles Drew. [[strikethrough]]Three[[/strikethrough]] Several species of turtles and terrapins were received from the Yale College Museum, through Dr G. Baur.